About Yani

My photo
Looe, Cornwall
obsessed with movies, books and socks. sucker for old songs and good-looking men. coffee addict. loves her white freelander. loves her looe home. loves sabah. loves her family and friends, A LOT! carnivore. sometimes thinks that she is a genius (not!) has excellent taste when it comes to shoes. believes that education should be free for all. not-so-hardcore environmentalist, but recycles as much as she can and avoid using plastic bags at the supermarket

Monday 6 December 2010


When I left work last night, I had to scrape my windscreen as the temperature dropped below zero. I also had to wait for the de-mister to to de-mist my windows so I can see where I was going. The red car parked opposite my Jerry looked as if it just came out of a giant freezer. Not a great look on a car I promise you. Ooh, and I just remembered to make an appointment for Jerry to be serviced. Hold it, hold it.... booked! to drop him Thursday morning and probably pick him up early evening.

The weather, it is nice and bright right now, but freezing cold! My house has been kept warm and I hope that my gas bills for the next couple of months won't make me suicidal. It's been alright actually, but that is because of the summer, when you obviously don't need heating.

My frozen poppies, the hills across the river was
somewhat white this morning

the feeder waiting for the birds, that reminds me,
maybe i should go get more fat suet balls

See the ice on my barbecue and fence?
I'm waiting for the little birdie to come to the feeder just outside the house so I can take a picture of it. The feeder has been quite popular as the birds look for food to sustain themselves. There isn't much left in the wild as everything starts to freeze as you can see from the photos.

Let's hope this would be my last winter, as I do hate winter. It's bleak and grey and depressing.

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