About Yani

My photo
Looe, Cornwall
obsessed with movies, books and socks. sucker for old songs and good-looking men. coffee addict. loves her white freelander. loves her looe home. loves sabah. loves her family and friends, A LOT! carnivore. sometimes thinks that she is a genius (not!) has excellent taste when it comes to shoes. believes that education should be free for all. not-so-hardcore environmentalist, but recycles as much as she can and avoid using plastic bags at the supermarket

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Day off..

Having a weekday off is an awesome thing. You get to do your grocery shopping when it is less busy, go to the bank when it is open, go to the cinema when you can get two tickets for the price of one - in short, everything is doable and takes shorter time just because everybody else is at work! Yeay!

My favourite is of course, grocery shopping. And my favourite store, is Morrisons. It is the best. I've grown up loving it (grocery shopping, and I suppose Morrisons too) because my parents pretty much let me pick up what I want at the store, as long as I eat and finish what I picked up.

Now that I am an adult and living on my own, I can pick up whatever the heck I want. Two cartons of CocaCola, three bags of lightly salted crisps, two boxes of fish fingers, and so on. Yes it is a list of junk food, and yes, I eat them a lot. But who is going to say anything? NO, because I am an adult, and being an adult is cool (except for paying taxes and car insurance).

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